通常情况下,当风通过涡轮机,几乎有一半的空气被迫停留在叶片周围,而不是通过它们,这些风中的能量就丢失了。传统的风力涡轮机最多只能利用59.3 的风能,这个值被称为贝兹极限(Betzlimit)。
风力涡轮机,借鉴喷气发动机技术的设计克服了存在于传统风力涡轮机的一个基本缺陷。风力涡轮机的叶片周围罩上遮蔽物,引导空气通过叶片并使其加速,这增加了电力产量,此模型为通用vamt仿真模型-Under normal circumstances, when the wind through the turbine, almost half of the air is forced to stay in around the blades rather than through them, these wind energy is lost. Conventional wind turbines can only use a maximum of 59.3 of the wind, this value is called the Betz limit (Betzlimit). Wind turbine jet engine technology is designed to learn to overcome the present in conventional wind turbines a fundamental flaw. Wind turbine blades around the hood covering, directing air through the blade and allowed acceleration, which increases the production of electricity, the general model Simulation Model vamt
风力涡轮机,借鉴喷气发动机技术的设计克服了存在于传统风力涡轮机的一个基本缺陷。风力涡轮机的叶片周围罩上遮蔽物,引导空气通过叶片并使其加速,这增加了电力产量,此模型为通用vamt仿真模型-Under normal circumstances, when the wind through the turbine, almost half of the air is forced to stay in around the blades rather than through them, these wind energy is lost. Conventional wind turbines can only use a maximum of 59.3 of the wind, this value is called the Betz limit (Betzlimit). Wind turbine jet engine technology is designed to learn to overcome the present in conventional wind turbines a fundamental flaw. Wind turbine blades around the hood covering, directing air through the blade and allowed acceleration, which increases the production of electricity, the general model Simulation Model vamt