汇编语言程序。功能为显示学生名次表:编制一程序,要求接收从键盘输入的一个班的学生成绩,并存放于50字的grade数组中,其中grade+i保存学号为i+1的学生的成绩,然后根据grade中的学生成绩将学生名次填入50字的rank数组中,其中rank+i的内容是学号为i+1学生的名次。再按学号顺序把名次从终端上显示出来。-Assembly language programs. Function to display student league table: the preparation of a procedure that requires received one class keyboard of student achievement, and deposited in the grade an array of 50 characters, in which grade+i save school No. i+1 of student achievement, and then grade the student achievement students rank ranking fill an array of 50 characters, the contents of which are rank+i number i+1 school student ranking. Then learn the ranking order number the terminal display.