

Android Wearable: Creating A Simple Survey Feature Using Xamarin

Introduction-Android Wearable: Creating A Simple Survey Feature Using Xamarin


Having the opportunity to work with Android wearables, particularly smart watches, is very exciting as this is getting more popular nowadays. Building mobile and wearable device apps is not as complex as you may think. I admit that at first, I was kind of afraid when I was assigned to explore and build apps for mobile and wearable, but using the right tools and technologies makes life easier for me to build those apps and prototypes.

Ermm.. Right Tools?

Yes, and I was referring to the awesome Xamarin. Xamarin allows you to build cross-platform apps for Android, iOS and Windows and it uses C# as the backend language. They also introduced Xamarin Forms which allows you to easily create native UI layouts that can be shared across Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. For as long as you know C#, then creating the logic for your app is easy because you are already familiar with the syntax and most of all the .N






































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