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详细介绍 - [ 公交查询周边搜索草堂助手源码 ]

公交查询周边搜索草堂助手源码主要实现了周边查询和公交查询,公交查询可以选择填写学校名,也可以选择在列表中寻找学校名,然后根据学校名,列出公交路径,有一个智能填充的选框,只要用户输入前两个字,就可以列出相应的学校名,另外还有文件浏览器、二维码图片解码、SQLite数据库的管理、网络状况检查、百度地图的使用等功能,项目编译版本4.4.2默认编码GBK源码有中文注释在caotang文件夹下,bin存放的是软件的安装包,配置等二进制文件-Details- [bus query search assistant source] around the cottage

Bus query search around cottage assistant source around the query and the bus enquiries, bus query can choose to fill in the name of the school can also be choose to search the school name in the list, then according to the school name, list of bus route, a smart fill the box, only to user input before two words, you can list corresponding to the name of the school, in addition to file browser, two-dimensional code image decoding, SQLite management and network status check, baidu map use function, the project is compiled version 4.4.2 default encoding GBK code Chinese annotation in the Caotang folder, storage bin is installed software package, configuration and other binary files







































































































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