带进度条简易浏览器源码主要使用了安卓的WebView控件,另外还实现了网页加载进度条,可以实现浏览器内的前进后退。半透明菜单使用的popwindow弹出菜单,另外项目中还有一个背景更换的功能的实现代码,但是不知道什么原因在我手机上没有效果。项目不大,注释比较丰富。很适合新手学习安卓的WebView控件的使用。-Progress bar simple browser source code of the main use of Android WebView control, in addition to achieve a web page loading progress bar, you can achieve forward and backward within the browser. popwindow translucent menu using the pop-up menu, in addition to the project also has a background replacement function implementation code, but do not know why I m on the phone to no avail. The project is not big, rich annotation. It is suitable for beginners learning to use Android s WebView control.