
  • 所属分类:
  • 编程文档
  • 资源属性:
  • [WORD]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2016-05-26
  • 文件大小:
  • 13kb
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  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • kongz*****
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一般我们使用的框架是VC提供的Wizard生成的MFC App Wizard(exe)框架,无论是多文档还是单文档,都存在指针获取和操作 问题。

下面这节内容主要是一般的框架,然后再讲多线程中的指针使用。使用到的类需要包含响应的头文件。 首先一般获得本类(视,文档,对话框都支持)实例指针 this,用this的目的,主要可以通过类中的函数向其他类或者函数中发指针,以便于在非本类中操作和使用本类中的功能。 这其中的关键在于理解 m_pMainWnd, AfxGetApp(),AfxGetMainWnd() 的意义!

-General fr a mework we are using the MFC App Wizard (exe) provides the fr a mework Wizard VC generated, whether it is a single document or multiple documents, there are pointers to access and operational problems. The following section is primarily aimed at the general fr a me, and then repeat that multiple threads using a pointer. Use the class needs to contain the response headers. First, get this general class (depending on the document, dialog support) instance pointer this, with this purpose, the main pointer can be made through the class of functions to other classes or functions in order to operate in this class and use non this class features. Which is the key to understanding m_pMainWnd, AfxGetApp (), AfxGetMainWnd () meaning!


MFC handle conversion.doc


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