
  • 所属分类:
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  • 资源属性:
  • [Android]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2016-05-20
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  • 8.05mb
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  • 提 供 者:
  • 周**
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“遇见”android应用源码技术要点: 主界面采用了常用的SildingView(可以在eoe搜寻源码),邂逅游戏采用了大量的动画效果以及旋转时候的3D动画效果~在其他的也没有什么了~再就是有个VIP页 是通过在邂逅游戏中点击个人档案或者送礼传情进入的~然后里面有个嵌套页就是获取金币~也采用了常见的ViewPager+Fragment实现~获取在线时间是通过在BaseApplication中获取的你进入程序的时间~然后与当前的时间进行对比产生的~然后根据时间激活获取金币的按钮(PS:因为都是单机版的~所以你关闭程序重新进入之后,金币又回到以前的状态- Meet Android technology application source code: the main interface used by the SildingView (you can search for the source code in EOE), met with a large number of game animation and the rotation time of 3D animation in the other there is no ~ ~ what is a VIP page is through in the encounter in the game click on personal files the gifts or Teaser into ~ and then there is a nested page is to get the gold ~ also uses a common ViewPager+Fragment to achieve access to online time is to enter the program by acquiring BaseApplication in your time and the time before ~ then when compared to the ~ and then according to the time of gold (PS: button to activate access because they are the stand-alone version of the ~ so you close the program after re entering, and return to the previous state of gold





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