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(4)增加语句使四则运算具有测试功能,即计算机能够 自动出题,并要求用户计算,同时计算机判断用户计算的对错并打分,要求十题一个单元,每题一个运算符,参与运算的分子分母均为一位数,运算符包括加,减,乘,除及大于小于等运算符。-Fractional calculator and test procedures, with the input of the operation +,-,*, / function

(1) to complete the calculator program, the structure of the main function to improve the requirements of a detailed menu options interface, users do not choose to exit can be repeated operation.

(2) to improve the program, to multi operand four basic arithmetic, in# stop.

(3) increase in function, the completion of four hybrid operation, pay attention to consider the operator priority algorithm, the corresponding increase in the main menu options.

(4) increase a statement the four operations with testing, in which a computer can questions automatically, and requires the user to calculate. At the same time, the computer to determine the user to calculate the right wrong and scoring, ten questions a unit, each item with an operator in operation of the numerator and denominator are a digit, operators including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and greater than the other opera


实验报告 office版\分数计算器.cpp.cpp

.................\吕军 分数计算器 实验报告.doc

.........WPA版 推荐阅读\分数计算器.cpp.cpp

.......................\吕军 分数计算器 实验报告.wps


实验报告 office版

实验报告 WPA版 推荐阅读


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