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  • [PHP] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2016-04-17
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  • 795kb
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  • 1次
  • 提 供 者:
  • gmp****
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“Jellicle Cat”出自 Andrew Lloyd Webber的音乐剧《猫》(《Prologue:Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats》)。真正的程序员正象歌曲对这些猫的描述一样,他们热爱这个工作,程序逻辑并不会让他们感到束缚 相反,他们是代码的主宰,他们可以按照自己的意志流畅地书写代码,超然地设计系统。唯有热爱编程并孜孜不倦追求着的程序员,才是真正的程序员。

JCAT 是一个开源项目,遵循 GNU 自由软件协,议它像音乐剧中的猫一样自由,你可以毫无顾忌地使用JCAT PHP框架。

JCAT 由中国团队开发维护,是一个国际性的项目。- Cat Jellicle  Lloyd Webber Andrew s musical cat ( Songs for Jellicle Cats Prologue:Jellicle ). Real programmers just as songs, descr iption of these cats, they love this job, program logic, and not let them feel trapped on the contrary, they are the master code, they can according to own will smooth writing code, detached to design the system. Only love programming and tireless pursuit of the programmer, is the real programmers.

JCAT is an open source project that follows the GNU Free Software Association, which is as free as a cat in a musical, and you can use the PHP JCAT fr a mework without any hesitation.

JCAT developed by the Chinese team to maintain, is an international project.
























































































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源码中国 www.ymcn.org