- 系统采用php官方推荐的 Smarty模板引擎, 配合Adodb进行数据库查询, 采用Xajax实现Ajax效果,
Jquery封装JS代码, 另外还采用了CKeditor超文本编辑器.代码与模板完全分离, 您再也不用在
PHP中修改HTML, 让模板制作更加自由, 力求系统的底层具有可扩充和标准化...
- 本站独家开发的Session系统, Cookies系统, 独创最优算法, 使用简介明了, 确保系统承受更大负载...
- 独创Ajax文件上传, 让体验更加美好-Firmkernel only contains the channel page and content details page, all other pages are independent pages, you can arbitrarily combination...
- the system uses the Smarty official recommended PHP template engine, with the Adodb query, using Ajax to achieve Xajax effect,
Jquery package JS code, in addition to the use of the CKeditor hypertext editor, code and template completely separated, you do not have to
PHP to modify the HTML, so that the template to create more freedom, and strive to the bottom of the system can be expanded and standardized...
- this station exclusive development of the Session system, Cookies system, the original optimal algorithm, using a brief introduction, to ensure that the system to bear a greater load...
- original Ajax file upload, so that the experience is more beautiful...
- 系统采用php官方推荐的 Smarty模板引擎, 配合Adodb进行数据库查询, 采用Xajax实现Ajax效果,
Jquery封装JS代码, 另外还采用了CKeditor超文本编辑器.代码与模板完全分离, 您再也不用在
PHP中修改HTML, 让模板制作更加自由, 力求系统的底层具有可扩充和标准化...
- 本站独家开发的Session系统, Cookies系统, 独创最优算法, 使用简介明了, 确保系统承受更大负载...
- 独创Ajax文件上传, 让体验更加美好-Firmkernel only contains the channel page and content details page, all other pages are independent pages, you can arbitrarily combination...
- the system uses the Smarty official recommended PHP template engine, with the Adodb query, using Ajax to achieve Xajax effect,
Jquery package JS code, in addition to the use of the CKeditor hypertext editor, code and template completely separated, you do not have to
PHP to modify the HTML, so that the template to create more freedom, and strive to the bottom of the system can be expanded and standardized...
- this station exclusive development of the Session system, Cookies system, the original optimal algorithm, using a brief introduction, to ensure that the system to bear a greater load...
- original Ajax file upload, so that the experience is more beautiful...