
  • 所属分类:
  • WEB源码
  • 资源属性:
  • [Linux] [Perl] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2016-03-07
  • 文件大小:
  • 63kb
  • 下载次数:
  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • naife******
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  • 别用迅雷下载,失败请重下,重下不扣分!


1、二手货品在线注册, 在线生效; 2、二手货品登陆后自动EMAIL回复功能; 3、登记货品用户修改时忘记密码,自动回复到登陆者信箱; 4、支持版主修改删除货品; 5、支持版主设置货品点击次数, 以提高排行榜名次; 6、使用JAVA SCRPIT 支持自动分页,不会因分页过多而导致显示混乱; 7、提供点击计数功能, 同一IP点击多次无效; 8、提供广告管理程序,程序可以循环放映广告,可设置添加删除广告; 9、提供搜索功能, 可按分类搜索; 10、如果SERVER支持SSI功能, 可以提供首页排名前十名功能; 11、提供分类排名, 前十名功能. 12、所有页面均可修改,添加货品分类,修改货品分类十分方便;-1, second-hand goods online registration, online automatic reply function EMAIL effect 2, second-hand goods after landing, registration of goods 3 the user forgets the password change, automatically return to the landing box 4, support the moderator delete goods 5, support the moderator set clicks to improve products, ranking 6 JAVA SCRPIT supports automatic paging, paging is not due to excessive lead display confusion 7, click on the counting function, the same IP click repeatedly invalid 8, to provide advertising management procedures, procedures can cycle show advertising, can be set to add and delete advertising 9, search function, can be classified according to the search, if 10 SERVER supports SSI function, can provide the top ten functions 11, provide classification rankings, the top ten. 12, all the pages can be modified, added goods classification, Modify the classification of goods is very convenient









































































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源码中国 www.ymcn.org