The aim of our study is to examine how positive cognitive uations, anxiety-related affects, and the interplay
between these two factors influence the willingness to use autonomous cars. We argue that the negative effect of
anxiety as well as the interplay of positive uations and anxiety within the technology adoption process are
contingent on a so far neglected facet of individual motivations, which plays a major role when dealing with anxiety towards unknown, yet status-laden, objects: self-enhancement. -The aim of our study is to examine how positive cognitive uations, anxiety-related affects, and the interplay
between these two factors influence the willingness to use autonomous cars. We argue that the negative effect of
anxiety as well as the interplay of positive uations and anxiety within the technology adoption process are
contingent on a so far neglected facet of individual motivations, which plays a major role when dealing with anxiety towards unknown, yet status-laden, objects: self-enhancement.
between these two factors influence the willingness to use autonomous cars. We argue that the negative effect of
anxiety as well as the interplay of positive uations and anxiety within the technology adoption process are
contingent on a so far neglected facet of individual motivations, which plays a major role when dealing with anxiety towards unknown, yet status-laden, objects: self-enhancement. -The aim of our study is to examine how positive cognitive uations, anxiety-related affects, and the interplay
between these two factors influence the willingness to use autonomous cars. We argue that the negative effect of
anxiety as well as the interplay of positive uations and anxiety within the technology adoption process are
contingent on a so far neglected facet of individual motivations, which plays a major role when dealing with anxiety towards unknown, yet status-laden, objects: self-enhancement.