Routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) emphasize on data dissemination, limited battery power and bandwidth constraints in order to facilitate efficient working of the network, thereby increasing the lifetime of the network. In this paper, the authors present an Energy Aware Multi-hop Multi-path Hierarchical routing protocol (EAMMH). EAMMH protocol organizes the sensor nodes into clusters and forms a multi-hop intra-cluster network. It establishes multiple paths each sensor node to the cluster head and provides an energy aware heuristic function to choose the optimal path.-Routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) emphasize on data dissemination, limited battery power and bandwidth constraints in order to facilitate efficient working of the network, thereby increasing the lifetime of the network. In this paper, the authors present an Energy Aware Multi-hop Multi-path Hierarchical routing protocol (EAMMH). EAMMH protocol organizes the sensor nodes into clusters and forms a multi-hop intra-cluster network. It establishes multiple paths each sensor node to the cluster head and provides an energy aware heuristic function to choose the optimal path.