
  • 所属分类:
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  • 上传时间:
  • 2016-12-27
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本实验就是利用实验系统中的按键开关模块和 LED 模块以及数码管模块来实现一个简单的七人表决器的功能。按键开关模块中的键 1~键 7 表示七个人,当按键开关输入为‘ 1’时,表示对应的人投同意票,否则当按键开关输入为‘ 0’

时,表示对应的人投反对票; LED 模块中 D1 表示七人表决的结果,当 LED1 点亮时,表示此行为通过表决;否则当 LED1 熄灭时,表示此行为未通过表决。同时通过的票数在数码管上显示出来-This experiment is the use of the experimental system of the key switch module and LED modules and digital control module to real

Now a simple seven-person voting function. Key switch module in the key 1 ~ key 7 that seven people, when

When the key switch input is 1 , it means that the corresponding person vote agree to vote, otherwise when the key switch input is 0

, Said the corresponding person to vote against the vote LED module D1 said the results of seven votes, when the LED1 lit

, That this behavior by voting otherwise when LED1 off, that this behavior did not vote. At the same time

The number of votes in the digital display on the tube

































































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