TMPHexEditor/TMPHexEditorEx components by mirkes.de
TMPHexEditor is a TCustomGrid descendant to view and edit binary files in hexadecimal and textual format.
TMPHexEditorEx is an advanced hex editor, is supports OLE drag and drop, printing, print preview and more.
TMPHexEditor is a TCustomGrid descendant to view and edit binary files in hexadecimal and textual format.
TMPHexEditorEx is an advanced hex editor, is supports OLE drag and drop, printing, print preview and more.
TMPHexEditor TMPHexEditorEx (2007-9-30)\doc\MPHexEditor.chm
.......................................\...\使 用 说 明.txt
.......................................\samples\Custom Translation\ct1.dfm
.......................................\.......\..................\使 用 说 明.txt
.......................................\.......\Hex-Editor (BCB6)\s6main.cpp
.......................................\.......\.................\使 用 说 明.txt
.......................................\.......\................\使 用 说 明.txt
.......................................\.......\..........\使 用 说 明