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Creating Search history

Any personal documents such as browsing history and emails on a user’s computer could be the data source for user profiles. This focus on frequent terms limits the dimensionality of the document set, which further provides a clear descr iption of users’ interest. This module allows the search engine to better understand a user’s session and potentially tailor that user’s search experience according to the needs. Once query groups, which have been identified, that the search engines can have a very good representation of the search context behind the current query using queries and clicks in the corresponding query group.-Creating Search history

Any personal documents such as browsing history and emails on a user’s computer could be the data source for user profiles. This focus on frequent terms limits the dimensionality of the document set, which further provides a clear descr iption of users’ interest. This module allows the search engine to better understand a user’s session and potentially tailor that user’s search experience according to the needs. Once query groups, which have been identified, that the search engines can have a very good representation of the search context behind the current query using queries and clicks in the corresponding query group.



WEBPAGE RECOMMENDATION BASED ON WEB USAGE (DOTNET)\Modules and Descrition-web page recomendation.docx

..................................................\The flow of work of your project-webpage recomendation.docx

..................................................\title to architecture-web page recomendation.doc



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