GCD CALCULATOR (ESD book figure 2.11)
Weijun Zhang, 04/2001
we can put all the components in one document(gcd2.vhd)
or put them in separate files
this is the example of RT level modeling (FSM + DataPath)
the code is synthesized by Synopsys design compiler- GCD CALCULATOR (ESD book figure 2.11)
Weijun Zhang, 04/2001
we can put all the components in one document(gcd2.vhd)
or put them in separate files
this is the example of RT level modeling (FSM + DataPath)
the code is synthesized by Synopsys design compiler
Weijun Zhang, 04/2001
we can put all the components in one document(gcd2.vhd)
or put them in separate files
this is the example of RT level modeling (FSM + DataPath)
the code is synthesized by Synopsys design compiler- GCD CALCULATOR (ESD book figure 2.11)
Weijun Zhang, 04/2001
we can put all the components in one document(gcd2.vhd)
or put them in separate files
this is the example of RT level modeling (FSM + DataPath)
the code is synthesized by Synopsys design compiler