Energy consumption is prominent and critical issue faced by wireless sensor networks.
The maximum amount of energy is consumed when the sensors communicate with each other.
Therefore energy efficient routing mechanisms are required. In this paper, a routing scheme based
on the fisheye state routing with a difference in route selection mechanism has been proposed to
ensure the reduction in the overall energy consumption of the network. This scheme is named as
Energy-Aware Fisheye State Routing (EA-FSR). It is simulated considering various parameters
using QualNet5.0. Performance of EA-FSR has been compared with the original fisheye state routing algorithm which is also simulated in the same environment. For comparison various parameters
like end-to-end delay average, energy consumption and throughput have been considered.
The maximum amount of energy is consumed when the sensors communicate with each other.
Therefore energy efficient routing mechanisms are required. In this paper, a routing scheme based
on the fisheye state routing with a difference in route selection mechanism has been proposed to
ensure the reduction in the overall energy consumption of the network. This scheme is named as
Energy-Aware Fisheye State Routing (EA-FSR). It is simulated considering various parameters
using QualNet5.0. Performance of EA-FSR has been compared with the original fisheye state routing algorithm which is also simulated in the same environment. For comparison various parameters
like end-to-end delay average, energy consumption and throughput have been considered.