JDFMC,在1.60发布前很低调了改了名称,其实应该也没有太多人在意这个问题,说下正题吧。 Ver1.60,对于作者来说算是一个瓶颈吧,刚开始做一个小偷类程序,会觉得非常简单,0.1,0.2…1.55这么的狂发布新的版本,其实也算个笑话,既然每天有需要更新,为何不一次做完整了再发布呢,省的用的人那么操心,今天JVOD(原JDFMC)更新了没?-JDFMC, in front of a very low-key release 1.60 changed the name, in fact, should not many people care about this issue, said that under the main topic. Ver1.60, is regarded as a bottleneck for the author of it, just started doing a thief class program, will find it very simple, 0.1, 0.2, 1.55 ... so mad release a new version, in fact, can be considered a joke, since there needs to be updated daily why not time to do a complete re-release it, the province with the people so worry about today JVOD (formerly JDFMC) update yet?