This does the entire MB Clustering given a set of data.
It only does the 4 basic models, unequal-unknown priors. It
returns the BESTMODEL based on the highest BIC.-model-based clustering algorithm to achieve the Matlab This does the entire MB Clustering given a set of data. It only does the 4 basic models, unequal-unknown priors. It returns the BESTMO DEL based on the highest BIC.
This does the entire MB Clustering given a set of data.
It only does the 4 basic models, unequal-unknown priors. It
returns the BESTMODEL based on the highest BIC.-model-based clustering algorithm to achieve the Matlab This does the entire MB Clustering given a set of data. It only does the 4 basic models, unequal-unknown priors. It returns the BESTMO DEL based on the highest BIC.
压缩包 : 67506241mbclust.rar 列表 mbclust.M