
  • 所属分类:
  • WEB源码
  • 资源属性:
  • [C/C++] [CHM]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2016-02-04
  • 文件大小:
  • 2.87mb
  • 下载次数:
  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • zzpu****
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由于Web Server完全自主开发,并特别针对BBS系统做了很多优化,因此BBS系统速度很快,基本上可以比普通的php/asp脚本BBS快5-8倍,并且由于Web Server + C++ BBS方式结构能够做到最合理,整个系统相当节省系统资源,在使用accesss数据库的情况下,可以支持超过2000人/30min的在线人数,强大而完善的功能,除了一般论坛所具有的功能外,FBB! 的模版设计,通过HTML的编辑即可轻松改变论坛界面,论坛采用模板方式定义界面,用户可以根据自己的爱好和创意,设计出自己独特的 BBS,所有用户交互页面和图标全部可以自己定义-br

Because the Web Server completely independent development, and especially for the BBS system to do a lot of optimization, so the speed of the BBS system is very fast, basically can be 5-8 times faster than ordinary php/asp scr ipt BBS, and due to the structure of Web Server+ C++ BBS way to achieve the most reasonable, the whole system is saving the system resources, in the use of accesss . Next, the number of online can support more than 2000 /30min, the powerful and perfect function, in addition to the general forum have the functions, FBB! Design template, through the HTML editor you can easily change the Forum Forum interface, using template definition interface, the user can according to their interests and creativity, design their own unique BBS, all users of interactive web pages and all can define your own icon







































































































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