1. 本程序在Visual C++环境中运行,执行文件为:ZYSBB.cpp
2. 程序运行后,显示学生信息,然后提示用户输入变量的个数,接着输入逻辑表达式(变量按A,B,C…顺序输入大写英文字母)。
3. 若所键入的是重言式或是矛盾式,则显示“表达式是重言式”或“表达式是矛盾式”;否则显示“表达式既不是重言式,也不是矛盾式”
4. 接着显示两个菜单项以供用户选择:*人机交互输入(E/e) 显示真值表(Z/z)*
按E/e则与用户交互输入,根据设定的变量值,求出逻辑表达式的值;按(Z/z)则显示逻辑表达式的真值表。-1 this procedure in the C++ Visual environment to run, the implementation of the document is: ZYSBB.cpp
2 after running the program, display student information, and then prompts the user to enter the number of variables, and then enter the logical expression (variable according to B, A, C... Input in capital letters.
3. If the type is a tautology or contradiction, it shows that the expression is tautology or expression is paradox otherwise display expression is not a tautology, nor is it contradictory
4 and then displays the two menu items for the user to choose:* human-computer interaction input (E/e) display the truth table (Z/z)*
According to the E/e and user interaction input, according to the set of variable values, the value of the logical expression according to (Z/z) then the logical expression of the true value of the table.
2. 程序运行后,显示学生信息,然后提示用户输入变量的个数,接着输入逻辑表达式(变量按A,B,C…顺序输入大写英文字母)。
3. 若所键入的是重言式或是矛盾式,则显示“表达式是重言式”或“表达式是矛盾式”;否则显示“表达式既不是重言式,也不是矛盾式”
4. 接着显示两个菜单项以供用户选择:*人机交互输入(E/e) 显示真值表(Z/z)*
按E/e则与用户交互输入,根据设定的变量值,求出逻辑表达式的值;按(Z/z)则显示逻辑表达式的真值表。-1 this procedure in the C++ Visual environment to run, the implementation of the document is: ZYSBB.cpp
2 after running the program, display student information, and then prompts the user to enter the number of variables, and then enter the logical expression (variable according to B, A, C... Input in capital letters.
3. If the type is a tautology or contradiction, it shows that the expression is tautology or expression is paradox otherwise display expression is not a tautology, nor is it contradictory
4 and then displays the two menu items for the user to choose:* human-computer interaction input (E/e) display the truth table (Z/z)*
According to the E/e and user interaction input, according to the set of variable values, the value of the logical expression according to (Z/z) then the logical expression of the true value of the table.
重言式判别刘源 3106006516\Debug\Desktop_1.ini
重言式判别刘源 3106006516