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在企业应用中,我们经常会使用到一些事务跟踪系统,这些事务跟踪系统可以帮助我们有效的对事务进行跟踪、管理。例如有这样一个场景,当某公司的经理接收到一个事务(例如需要处理某张订单或者需要购买某些材料),而这个事务不必由自己亲自去解决的时候,可以使用事务跟踪系统创建一个事务,并将该事务分发到相应的员工去处理,员工接收到这个事务的时候,就可以对事务进行处理,并将每一阶段的处理结果保存到系统中,分发事务的管理者就可以时时刻刻了解事务的进展,对事务起到一定的监控作用。我们就使用Java开发一个简单的CS事务跟踪系统。-In enterprise applications, we often use some of the Transaction Tracking System, these transactions tracking system can help us to effectively keep track of transactions and management. For example, such a scenario, when the manager of a company receives a transaction (such as the need for a sheet processing orders or to purchase certain materials), and this transaction do not have to solve by themselves personally, they can use transaction tracking system creates a transaction and distribute the transaction to the appropriate staff to deal with, the staff receives this transaction, the transaction can be processed, and save the results of each stage of the system, managers can distribute a transaction at time engraved understand the progress of the transaction, the transaction play a monitoring role. We use Java to develop a simple CS Transaction Tracking System.







































































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