关键词:-Now vision-based gesture recognition plays an important
role in the filds of image processing, pattern recognition and so
on. Human being hands are highly variable organs and hand
features are affected easily by various environmental factors.
Considering the characteristics of hand gesture, in this paper we
proposes an improved YCbCr color space method to segment
gesture images, and extracts Fourier descr iptors and Hu
moment as recognition features. Finally, the Hausdorff distance
is applied to recogniz the gestures by the method of model
matching. Experimental results show that the proposed method
has higher operation and recognition rates.
关键词:-Now vision-based gesture recognition plays an important
role in the filds of image processing, pattern recognition and so
on. Human being hands are highly variable organs and hand
features are affected easily by various environmental factors.
Considering the characteristics of hand gesture, in this paper we
proposes an improved YCbCr color space method to segment
gesture images, and extracts Fourier descr iptors and Hu
moment as recognition features. Finally, the Hausdorff distance
is applied to recogniz the gestures by the method of model
matching. Experimental results show that the proposed method
has higher operation and recognition rates.
1 LED灯\1 LED闪烁\C版\LED2
.......\2 二进制加法\C版\LEC_3.C
.......\3 LED流水灯\C版\LED3