温度测量范围0~99.9摄氏度,可设置上限报警温度、下限报警温度(即高于上限值或者低于下限值时蜂鸣器报警),默认上限报警温度为40℃、默认下限报警温度为10℃。报警值可设置范围:最低上限报警值等于当前下限报警值,最高下限报警值等于当前上限报警值。 -Temperature measurement range 0 ~ 99.9 degrees Celsius, can set the upper limit alarm temperature, the lower limit alarm temperature (i.e., higher than the upper limit or below the lower limit value when the buzzer alarm), the default limit alarm temperature of 40 ℃, the default limit alarm temperature is 10 ℃. Range of alarm value can be set up: the lowest limit alarm value is equal to the lower limit alarm value, the lower limit alarm value is equal to the current limit alarm value.