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面积和速度的互换是FPGA/CPLD设计的一个重要思想。从理论上讲,一个设计如果时序余量较大,所能运行的频率远远高于设计要求,那么就能通过功能模块复用减少整个设计消耗的芯片面积,这就是用速度的优势换面积的节约;反之,如果一个设计的时序要求很高,普通方法达不到设计频率,那么一般可以通过将数据流串并转换,并行复制多个操作模块,对整个设计采取“乒乓操作”和“串并转换”的思想进行处理,在芯片输出模块处再对数据进行“并串转换”。从宏观上看,整个芯片满足了处理速度的要求,这相当于用面积复制换取速度的提高。面积和速度互换的具体操技巧很多,比如模块复用、“乒乓操作”、“串并转换”等,需要大家在日后工作中积累掌握-Size and speed of exchange is an important idea FPGA/CPLD design. In theory, a design if the timing margin is large, the frequency can run much higher than the design requirements, so you can reuse the function module by reducing the chip area consumed by the entire design, which is to use the advantages of the speed of change area savings on the contrary, if a design s timing requirements are high, less than the design frequency ordinary method, then the general data flow through the string and convert parallel copy multiple operating modules, designed to take on the whole ping-pong operation and serial to parallel conversion, the idea is processed in chip output module at which data can be and string conversion. From a macro point of view, the entire chip to meet the requirements of processing speed, which is equivalent to replicate increase in exchange rate with the area. Rate swap area and the specific skills a lot of exercise, such as module reuse, ping-pong operation , s

































































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