方便观察并行运算采用parfor(并行循环)时的运算进程,一个简化版的进度条,比具有GUI的进度节省不少珍贵的电脑资源。本程序根据网上parfor_progress的源程序改编而,但显示到小数点后2为的精确进度情况,比网上的灵敏度更高。-It convenience for us to observe the operation process when we use Parallel Algorithmic parfor(paralle circulation)to compute,a simplify progress bar.But saving more precious computer resource for you than GUI PROGRESS BAR. And this program is rewrite by the source program of parfor_progress in the network, more precision than the web program, advanced dispaying two digits after the decimal point. This is his advantages.Thanks!
Behind Two Point parfor_progress\parfor_progress_Twopoint.m
Behind Two Point parfor_progress