In this project, Brain tumor in MRI is detected using image segmentation techniques. There are number of image segmentation techniques available but watershed segmentation is considered to be best among all. First of all prep-processing is to be done on MRI image followed by Segmentation. During pre-processing, MRI is first converted into gray scale image then salt and pepper noise is removed using median filter. Image is then enhanced using Histogram Equalization then Image segmentation is performed on image. In image segmentation, image is segmented into its constituent parts. In this way, brain tumor is detected.-In this project, Brain tumor in MRI is detected using image segmentation techniques. There are number of image segmentation techniques available but watershed segmentation is considered to be best among all. First of all prep-processing is to be done on MRI image followed by Segmentation. During pre-processing, MRI is first converted into gray scale image then salt and pepper noise is removed using median filter. Image is then enhanced using Histogram Equalization then Image segmentation is performed on image. In image segmentation, image is segmented into its constituent parts. In this way, brain tumor is detected.
brain tumor detection using watershed segmentation and morphological operation.pdf