
  • 所属分类:
  • 其他小程序
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  • [Text]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2014-12-24
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  • G***
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(1) 输入数据:包括初始形状数据和终止形状数据, 一般为事先定义好的整型变量数据,如简单的几何物体形状(苹果,凳子,


(2) 插值算法,包括线性插值和矢量线性插值。线性插值:对于初始和终止形状上每个点的坐标 Pi 进行线性插值得到物体变

形的中间形状;矢量线性插值:对初始形状和终止形状上每两个相邻点计算其对应的长 Li 和角度θi,然后对 Li 和θi 进行线性插值得到中间长度和角度, 顺序连接插值后定义的各个矢量得到中间变化形状。

插值变量变化范围是[0,1], 插值变量等于 0 时对应于初始形状,插值变量等于 0 时对应于终止形状;数据类型为 float。

(3) 插值结果输出。-System consists of three parts: (1) the input data: including the initial shape data and terminate the shape data, typically predefined integer variable data, such as a simple geometric shape of the object (apples, stools, pottery) and simple animals shape (elephants, horses) and so on. You can also design interactive interface, user interface, interactive input data. (2) interpolation algorithms, including linear interpolation and linear interpolation vector. Linear interpolation: For the coordinates of each point Pi on initial and final shape linear interpolation intermediate deformed shape of the object vector linear interpolation: Li calculate the corresponding length and angle of each of the two adjacent points on the initial shape and end shape θi, θi then Li and linear interpolation is performed to obtain an intermediate length and angle of each vector is defined in order to obtain an intermediate connection interpolation change in shape. Interpolation variable range is [0,1],




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