赛灵思的循环冗余校验(CRC),内服详细说明-The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) is a checksum technique for testing data reliability and
correctness. This application note shows how to implement Configurable CRC Modules with
LocalLink interfaces. Users tailor the module features to suit the protocol or application
implemented in their system. The user-specified options for each of the configurable features
are input parameters to the VHDL code for the modules. The VHDL source files for the CRC
modules are coded using generate statements. The modules have two LocalLink interfaces: an
upstream interface (US) and a downstream interface (DS)
correctness. This application note shows how to implement Configurable CRC Modules with
LocalLink interfaces. Users tailor the module features to suit the protocol or application
implemented in their system. The user-specified options for each of the configurable features
are input parameters to the VHDL code for the modules. The VHDL source files for the CRC
modules are coded using generate statements. The modules have two LocalLink interfaces: an
upstream interface (US) and a downstream interface (DS)