glibc是GNU发布的libc库,即c运行库。glibc是linux系统中最底层的api,几乎其它任何运行库都会依赖于glibc。glibc除了封装linux操作系统所提供的系统服务外,它本身也提供了许多其它一些必要功能服务的实现。由于 glibc 囊括了几乎所有的 UNIX 通行的标准,可以想见其内容包罗万象。而就像其他的 UNIX 系统一样,其内含的档案群分散于系统的树状目录结构中,像一个支架一般撑起整个操作系统。在 GNU/Linux 系统中,其C函式库发展史点出了GNU/Linux 演进的几个重要里程碑,用 glibc 作为系统的C函式库,是GNU/Linux演进的一个重要里程碑。-glibc is GNU libc library released, namely c runtime. glibc linux system is the bottom of the api, almost any other runtime will depend on glibc. glibc addition to the system service package provided by linux operating system, which itself provides the necessary functions to implement many other services. Since glibc encompasses almost all of the UNIX standard prevailing, one can imagine its contents all-inclusive. And just like other UNIX systems, which contains the file group dispersed in tree structure of the system, like a carriage generally hold up the entire operating system. In GNU/Linux system, the C library history points out several important milestones GNU/Linux evolution, with the glibc C library as a system, is an important milestone in GNU/Linux evolution.