摘 要: 介绍了一种可用于多种类型的伺服电机编码器零点调试仪器的设计 该伺服电机编码器调零仪采用磁场定
向控制原理( FOC) SVPWM 控制模式和 PID 控制策略来控制伺服电机的旋转对其轴上编码器进行调零及校准 实
验结果表明,所设计的伺服电机编码器零点调试仪具有通用性强 操作简单和调节性能高等特点-Abstract: Proposed the design of zero- adjusting instrument for varieties of servo motor encoder. Based on
FOC principle ,SVPWM control mode and PID control strategy,the instrument drived the PMSM rotating
and then adjusted the zero- point of the servo motor encoder. The experimental results show that the instru-
ment is qualified with the features of simple operations,general- purpose and high asjusting- performance.
向控制原理( FOC) SVPWM 控制模式和 PID 控制策略来控制伺服电机的旋转对其轴上编码器进行调零及校准 实
验结果表明,所设计的伺服电机编码器零点调试仪具有通用性强 操作简单和调节性能高等特点-Abstract: Proposed the design of zero- adjusting instrument for varieties of servo motor encoder. Based on
FOC principle ,SVPWM control mode and PID control strategy,the instrument drived the PMSM rotating
and then adjusted the zero- point of the servo motor encoder. The experimental results show that the instru-
ment is qualified with the features of simple operations,general- purpose and high asjusting- performance.