本实验将实现如下功能:使用UCOS操作系统,DHCP作为一个任务来运行,当获取到IP地址以后就会自动挂起DHCP任务。本实验中开发板与网络调试助手之间建立UDP连接,同样UDP也是以一个任务的方式来运行的,当UDP连接建立成功以后就可以通过网络调试助手向开发板发送数据,开发板接收数据后通过串口发送给串口调试助手。也可以通过按下开发板的KEY0键来向网络调试助手发送数据。-The experiment will achieve the following functions: Use UCOS operating system, DHCP as a task to run, when it will obtain an IP address automatically suspended after DHCP tasks. After this experiment development board between the network debugging assistant and establish UDP connections UDP is similar to the way a task to run, and when the connection is established after the UDP can send data, the development board development board to receive data through a network debugging assistant send to a serial debugging assistant through the serial port. It can also transmit data to the network debugging assistant KEY0 development board by pressing the key.
网络实验7 NETCONN_UDP实验\CORE\core_cm4.h