克里金法假定采样点之间的距离或方向可以反映可用于说明表面变化的空间相关性。克里金法工 具可将数学函数与指定数量的点或指定半径内的所有点进行拟合以确定每个位置的输出值。克里金法是一个多步过程;它包括数据的探索性统计分析、变异函数建模 和创建表面,还包括研究方差表面。当您了解数据中存在空间相关距离或方向偏差后,便会认为克里金法是最适合的方法。该方法通常用在土壤科学和地质中。-This function completes what I have started with the functions variogram and variogramfit. It is not intended to be a highly optimized code for performing kriging but may have educational value. Note that for using kriging, you should download the latest version of variogramfit.
kriging uses ordinary kriging to interpolate a variable z measured at locations with the coordinates x and y at unsampled locations xi, yi. The function requires the variable vstruct that contains all necessary information on the variogram. vstruct is the forth output argument of the function variogramfit.
This is a rudimentary, but easy to use function to perform an ordinary kriging interpolation. I call it rudimentary since it always includes ALL observations to estimate values at unsampled locations. This may not be necessary when sample locations are not within the autocorrelation range but would require something like a k nearest neighbor search algorithm or something similar. Thus, the alg
kriging uses ordinary kriging to interpolate a variable z measured at locations with the coordinates x and y at unsampled locations xi, yi. The function requires the variable vstruct that contains all necessary information on the variogram. vstruct is the forth output argument of the function variogramfit.
This is a rudimentary, but easy to use function to perform an ordinary kriging interpolation. I call it rudimentary since it always includes ALL observations to estimate values at unsampled locations. This may not be necessary when sample locations are not within the autocorrelation range but would require something like a k nearest neighbor search algorithm or something similar. Thus, the alg