隐马尔可夫模型可以被认为是一个概括的混合模型中的隐藏变量(或变量),它控制的混合成分被选择为每个观察,通过马尔可夫过程而不是相互独立相关。最近,隐马尔可夫模型已推广到两两马尔可夫模型和三重态马尔可夫模型,允许更复杂的数据结构的考虑和非平稳数据建模。-The HMM is a statistical approach in which the underlying model is a stochastic Markovian
process that is not observable (i.e., hidden) whic h can be observed through other processes that
produce the sequence of observed (emitted) features. In our HMM we let the hidden nodes represent
activities. The observable nodes re present combinations of the features described earlier. The
probabilistic relationships between hidden nodes and observable nodes and the probabilistic transition
between hidden nodes are estimated by the relative fr equency with which these relationships occur in
the sample data. An example HMM for three of the activities is shown in Figure 3. Given an input
sequence of sensor events, our algorithm finds the mo st likely sequence of hidden states, or activities,
which could have generated the observed event sequence. We use the Viterbi algorithm to
identify this sequence of hidden states.
隐马尔可夫模型可以被认为是一个概括的混合模型中的隐藏变量(或变量),它控制的混合成分被选择为每个观察,通过马尔可夫过程而不是相互独立相关。最近,隐马尔可夫模型已推广到两两马尔可夫模型和三重态马尔可夫模型,允许更复杂的数据结构的考虑和非平稳数据建模。-The HMM is a statistical approach in which the underlying model is a stochastic Markovian
process that is not observable (i.e., hidden) whic h can be observed through other processes that
produce the sequence of observed (emitted) features. In our HMM we let the hidden nodes represent
activities. The observable nodes re present combinations of the features described earlier. The
probabilistic relationships between hidden nodes and observable nodes and the probabilistic transition
between hidden nodes are estimated by the relative fr equency with which these relationships occur in
the sample data. An example HMM for three of the activities is shown in Figure 3. Given an input
sequence of sensor events, our algorithm finds the mo st likely sequence of hidden states, or activities,
which could have generated the observed event sequence. We use the Viterbi algorithm to
identify this sequence of hidden states.