
  • 所属分类:
  • 单片机(51,AVR,MSP430等)
  • 资源属性:
  • [C/C++] [源码]
  • 上传时间:
  • 2015-08-26
  • 文件大小:
  • 211kb
  • 下载次数:
  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • 李*
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基于51单片机的智能车避障源程序。在本装置中,用遥控器控制小车前进、后退、左转、右转运动来模拟驾驶员的驾驶动作;小车的最前部安装有超声波传感器,用于检测本车与前面障碍物的距离;电路板安装于小车的车架上;原车的后桥驱动电机和转向电机的布置基本不变。本装置的基本原理为:超声波发射端在单片机和前置电路的驱动下工作,接收端的信号经放大整形后在单片机的中断口产生中断,通过发射和接收的时间差计算出小车与障碍物的相对距离,再由单片机实现避障算法,做出判断决策,发出相应的控制指令,然后通过外围硬件电路实现PWM电机调速和转向控制,从而实现模型小车的主动避障。-Based on 51 single chip microcomputer intelligent vehicle obstacle avoidance source program. In this device, use the remote control car forward, backward, turn left, turn right movement to simulate the driver s actions The front of the car the most fitted with ultrasonic sensors, used to detect the local and the obstacles in front of the distance Circuit board installed in the car fr a me The original car rear axle drive motor and steering layout basically remain unchanged. The basic principle of this device is: the ultrasonic transmitter to work in the single-chip microcomputer and the driving of the front end circuit, signal at the receiving end after amplification plastic fracture to occur in the MCU by emitting and receiving time to calculate the car and the obstacle of relative distance, then realize the obstacle avoidance algorithm, by single-chip microcomputer judgment decision-making, a corresponding control instruction, and then through the peripheral hardware circuit realiza






















































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