This function implements the composite objective measure
proposed in [1]. It returns three values: The predicted rating of
overall quality (Covl), the rating of speech distortion (Csig) and
the rating of background distortion (Cbak). The ratings are based on the 1-5 MOS scale.In addition, it returns the values of the SNRseg, log-likelihood ratio (LLR), PESQ
and weighted spectral slope (WSS) objective measures. -This function implements the composite objective measure
proposed in [1]. It returns three values: The predicted rating of
overall quality (Covl), the rating of speech distortion (Csig) and
the rating of background distortion (Cbak). The ratings are based on the 1-5 MOS scale.In addition, it returns the values of the SNRseg, log-likelihood ratio (LLR), PESQ
and weighted spectral slope (WSS) objective measures.
proposed in [1]. It returns three values: The predicted rating of
overall quality (Covl), the rating of speech distortion (Csig) and
the rating of background distortion (Cbak). The ratings are based on the 1-5 MOS scale.In addition, it returns the values of the SNRseg, log-likelihood ratio (LLR), PESQ
and weighted spectral slope (WSS) objective measures. -This function implements the composite objective measure
proposed in [1]. It returns three values: The predicted rating of
overall quality (Covl), the rating of speech distortion (Csig) and
the rating of background distortion (Cbak). The ratings are based on the 1-5 MOS scale.In addition, it returns the values of the SNRseg, log-likelihood ratio (LLR), PESQ
and weighted spectral slope (WSS) objective measures.