本项目是一个安卓对讲机应用的项目源码,代码规范注释清晰,功能完整界面简单。无论是做二次开发还是参考借鉴都是绝佳的项目源码。一个简单的按钮,按下就可以实时对讲,而且通过标识包头来解决自己听到自己说的话,使用方法:把AppConfig.java中的IP设为自己WiFi的网段x.x.x.0,(不必管安卓设备的具体IP,只填写设备所在IP的网段即可,例如我的手机连接wifi后IP是192.168.1.102,这里的网段就是IP的前三段+0。就是192.168.1.0),不过因为线程的启动方式有点问题所以项目有个小BUG,需要在对讲之前先按一下按钮,让线程启动,再按住按钮说话。javaapk.com测试完美运行,需要更多对讲机源码可以在例子大全http://www.javaapk.com/demo里搜“对讲机”就可以找到。-This project is an Android application project interphone source code specifications Note clear, simple and full-featured interface. Whether we are still a reference for the secondary development of the project is an excellent source. A simple button press can talk in real time, and to solve by identifying Baotou he heard himself say, Usage: The IP set AppConfig.java xxx0 own WiFi network segment, and (do we need to Andrews specific IP devices, just fill in the IP network segment where the device can be, for example, my phone after connecting wifi IP is, here is the IP segment of the first three paragraphs+0. is, but because thread way to start a little problem so the project has a small BUG, need to press the button before speaking, so that threads start, then hold down the button to speak. javaapk.com perfect test run, more walkie-talkie source can search walkie-talkie In the case of Index http://www.javaapk.com/demo where you can find.