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how to modify the default ASP.NET MVC project to use Twitter Bootstrap Modal Dialog as a login dialog. Graceful degradation for non Javascr ipt Browsers is included.-Introduction

This article shows how to use the Modal Dialog jQuery plugin of the Twitter Boostrap fr a mework to create a smoother user login experience. This solution can be easily included into an ASP.NET MVC project created by a default Visual Studio 2013 ASP.NET MVC project template. Instead of redirecting to the login page when clicking the Login navigation item, mouse clicking on that link opens the login form in a modal dialog. Using Twitter Boostrap jQuery modal dialog plugin allows this dialog to be well integrated into the overall Boostrap design of the web site created by the ASP.NET MVC project template. This solution leads to a smoother user login experience. When the user has Javascr ipt disabled, the user is redirected to the login page and the application behaves normally.


This project has arisen with contributions by:

  Implementing Ajax Login in ASP.NET MVC

  Forloop HtmlHelpers HtmlHelpers that help Partial Views to add scr ipt blocks or re





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