在 UCDOS 的点阵字库 HZK16 中,字符点阵是按照汉字内码排列的,汉字的内码从一些图形字符开始,起始编码为 A1A1H,汉字内码第一位为区码,每区为 94 个汉字,第二位为每区内的编码,每个汉字的点阵为 16点*16点 共32字节,数据按第一行 1-8点,9-16点,第二行 1-8点,9-16点...排列,每位数据 1 为要显示点,0 为不显示点。汉字点阵数据在字库中的偏移量为 ((区码-A1H)*94 + (区内编码-A1H))*32。
-In the dot matrix font UCDOS HZK16, the character is based on characters in the lattice arrangement within the code characters some of the graphic characters begin starting coding for A1A1H, characters in the first for the area code, each district 94 characters, the second bit is encoded for each region, each character lattice 16:00 to 16:00* 32 bytes of data according to the first line of 1-8 points, 9-16 points, the second line 1- 8:00, 9-16 points ... arrangement, one for each data point to be displayed, 0 points are not displayed. Character dot-matrix font data in the offset ((area code-A1H)* 94+ (region coding-A1H))* 32.
-In the dot matrix font UCDOS HZK16, the character is based on characters in the lattice arrangement within the code characters some of the graphic characters begin starting coding for A1A1H, characters in the first for the area code, each district 94 characters, the second bit is encoded for each region, each character lattice 16:00 to 16:00* 32 bytes of data according to the first line of 1-8 points, 9-16 points, the second line 1- 8:00, 9-16 points ... arrangement, one for each data point to be displayed, 0 points are not displayed. Character dot-matrix font data in the offset ((area code-A1H)* 94+ (region coding-A1H))* 32.