Optical Burst Switching (OBS) network is seen as a promising solution as it directly transports Internet-Protocol over Wavelength Division Multiplexing (IP over WDM) networks. OBS network uses a one-way resource reservation mechanism to set up the resources for each data burst transmission. Therefore, the performance of OBS networks depend on contention resolution strategies to reach acceptable levels for bandwidth utilization efficiency. This paper proposes the use of burst segmentation as a proactive contention resolution technique at ingress nodes of OBS network as well as reactive contention resolution policy at core nodes for reducing the probability of burst drop in the network in order to increase the performance of the network. -Optical Burst Switching (OBS) network is seen as a promising solution as it directly transports Internet-Protocol over Wavelength Division Multiplexing (IP over WDM) networks. OBS network uses a one-way resource reservation mechanism to set up the resources for each data burst transmission. Therefore, the performance of OBS networks depend on contention resolution strategies to reach acceptable levels for bandwidth utilization efficiency. This paper proposes the use of burst segmentation as a proactive contention resolution technique at ingress nodes of OBS network as well as reactive contention resolution policy at core nodes for reducing the probability of burst drop in the network in order to increase the performance of the network.
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