作为一名软件开发者,你在奋力推进自己的职业生涯吗?面对今天日新月异和不断拓展的技术,取得成功需要的不仅仅是技术专长。为了增强专业性,你还需要一些软技能以及高效的学习技能。《软件开发者路线图:从学徒到高手》的全部内容都是关于如何*这些技能的。两位作者Dave Hoover和Adewale Oshineye给出了数十种行为模式,来帮你提高主要的技能。-As a software developer, you re struggling to advance his own career? Faced with today s ever-changing and expanding technology, success requires more than just technical expertise. In order to enhance professionalism, you also need some soft skills and effective learning skills. Software Developer Roadmap: apprentice to master the entire contents of all about how to practice these skills. The authors Dave Hoover and Adewale Oshineye gives dozens of behavior patterns to help you improve your main skills.