
  • 所属分类:
  • 数值算法/人工智能
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  • 上传时间:
  • 2014-04-12
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  • yangx*****
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常微分方程也越来越复杂,多发动机停车的系统方程组用A4纸打印出来有800多页,所以这些高科技计算仅就公式的推导以及数值计算所需要的离散就已经几乎超出了人工推导及编译的极限,很需要依靠这类带有人工推理的软件协助解决此类问题,现在通过这些软件可以满足这个需要,他不但推导公式,而且推导出计算数学的离散描述,进一步把算法翻译成 “C”语言、VB、Java,等各类计算机源程序, 从而避免了手编程序的繁杂和疏漏。-Maple  is the formula derivation and calculation software , the earliest theoretical physics related to nuclear workers in order to simplify the derivation of the formula generated . Was later used in an extremely complex formula derivation and procedures in preparation .

Calculated as the frontier values ​ ​ of modern technology, as well as three-dimensional hydrodynamic equations of electromagnetism , nuclear engineering equations in curvilinear coordinates cases are very complex . Several just three momentum equations of fluid mechanics on more than 2532 , the energy equation have 1583 , there are 954 stress tensor , the complexity involved in the processing of negative turbulence and boundary conditions will be doubled.

ODE is also more complex, multi- engine shutdown system of equations using A4 paper to print out more than 800 pages, and so derive the required discrete numerical calculation only these high-tech formula has almost beyond human derivation and limit the


maple in Science and Technology.mws


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