随着遥感图像数量的急剧增加, 基于内容的遥感图像检索系统逐渐成为了一个研究热点。系统地介
感图像的特点,着重介绍了基于纹理、形状、结构特征相似性比较等方面的内容, 针对这些方面的研究所存在
的问题提出了见解, 介绍了所研究成果,并对今后的工作进行了展望。-The content- basedretrieval (CBR) systemfor remotesensing images(RSI) hasbeena hot researchareare-cently withanincreasing huge amount of imagedata generatedduring the two decades
. The present situationof eachre-search aspect in this area is introduced. Considering the features of remote sensing images
the structure and query
strategiesof the CBRsystemfor RSI arediscussed. Similarity comparisonof the texture, shape andtopography are dis-cussed. Suggestions arepresentedto solve the existing problemsinthisfield. Some opinions about problemsexisting in
this area are presentedandthe future development is described.
感图像的特点,着重介绍了基于纹理、形状、结构特征相似性比较等方面的内容, 针对这些方面的研究所存在
的问题提出了见解, 介绍了所研究成果,并对今后的工作进行了展望。-The content- basedretrieval (CBR) systemfor remotesensing images(RSI) hasbeena hot researchareare-cently withanincreasing huge amount of imagedata generatedduring the two decades
. The present situationof eachre-search aspect in this area is introduced. Considering the features of remote sensing images
the structure and query
strategiesof the CBRsystemfor RSI arediscussed. Similarity comparisonof the texture, shape andtopography are dis-cussed. Suggestions arepresentedto solve the existing problemsinthisfield. Some opinions about problemsexisting in
this area are presentedandthe future development is described.
Content-basedRetrieval System.pdf