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  • 上传时间:
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  • 提 供 者:
  • 刘**
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本系统由前级宽带放大模块、增益控制模块、无源衰减模块、功率放大模块和直流稳压电源模块组成,具有0~60dB范围内手动连续调节、带宽为0.3M~100MHz的功能。在前级放大中,采用两片宽带低噪声放大芯片ADA4895级联对输入信号进行放大,然后由800MHz带宽的可变增益放大器AD8368进行放大倍数调节,最后通过低噪声电流反馈运放THS3001进行功率放大,从而达到1V有效值输出。在系统设计中,采用了合理的阻抗匹配,规范的高频线路布局和有效的散热设置,并且综合考虑了去耦、滤波,以及使用同轴电缆屏蔽干扰,减少了高频信号的噪声和自激,全面提高了系统的稳定性。-The system consists of pre-broadband amplifier module, gain control module, passive attenuation module, power amplifier module and DC power supply modules, with manual within the range of 0 ~ 60dB continuously adjustable, 0.3M ~ 100MHz bandwidth capabilities. The first amplification stage, using two wideband low-noise amplifier chip ADA4895 cascade amplification of the input signal, and the bandwidth of 800MHz for the variable gain amplifier AD8368 magnification adjustment, the final amplifier THS3001 feedback current through the low-noise power amplifier to achieve 1V RMS output. In the system design, the use of a reasonable impedance matching circuit layout and specifications of the high frequency effective heat setting, and considering the decoupling, filtering, and the use of shielded coaxial cable interference and reduce high-frequency noise from the signal and excited, and comprehensively improve the stability of the system.


2013 the national electricity - rf amplifier design\2013全国电赛---射频放大器设计---.pdf

2013 the national electricity - rf amplifier design


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