HTML5+websocket实现PHP简单聊天室,含使用文档+源代码,开发语言:HTML5,Javascr ipt,php,开发工具:Phpstorm 4.0,网上基本找不到一个成功用php写server的案例,比较少商业用途会使用这个脚本语言来实现server。html5 websocket的根本通讯还是基于http get,所以在性能上,理论值会比tcp socket低一点点。
关于多线程,Php本来是单线程的,如果要做到多线程,可以做,但是一些文章说做出来的那个效果,是假的多线程,并不是实际意义上的多线程处理事务(文章说的,尚未证实)。php server长时间运行,是会挂起来的,要定期重启server。可能是由于长连接的原因。
因采用HTML5技术,所以你的浏览器需要支持HTML5,推荐使用火狐或Chrome,Safari等-HTML5+ websocket achieve a simple PHP chat rooms, including the use of documentation+ source code, development languages : HTML5, Javascr ipt, php, development tools: Phpstorm 4.0, basically find a successful online server with php written cases, relatively few commercial uses will using this scr ipting language to implement server. html5 websocket communication is based on the fundamental http get, so the performance will be lower than the theoretical value tcp socket a little bit.
PHP s garbage collection mechanism, so long connection socket, there is a problem.
Multithreading, Php originally single-threaded, multi-threading if you want to do, you can do it, do it, but some articles say that the effect is a fake multi-threaded, multi-threaded processing services is not practical sense (article says I have not yet confirmed). php server long run, it will hang up, periodically restart the server. May be due to the long connection.
Due to the use of HTML5 technology, so
关于多线程,Php本来是单线程的,如果要做到多线程,可以做,但是一些文章说做出来的那个效果,是假的多线程,并不是实际意义上的多线程处理事务(文章说的,尚未证实)。php server长时间运行,是会挂起来的,要定期重启server。可能是由于长连接的原因。
因采用HTML5技术,所以你的浏览器需要支持HTML5,推荐使用火狐或Chrome,Safari等-HTML5+ websocket achieve a simple PHP chat rooms, including the use of documentation+ source code, development languages : HTML5, Javascr ipt, php, development tools: Phpstorm 4.0, basically find a successful online server with php written cases, relatively few commercial uses will using this scr ipting language to implement server. html5 websocket communication is based on the fundamental http get, so the performance will be lower than the theoretical value tcp socket a little bit.
PHP s garbage collection mechanism, so long connection socket, there is a problem.
Multithreading, Php originally single-threaded, multi-threading if you want to do, you can do it, do it, but some articles say that the effect is a fake multi-threaded, multi-threaded processing services is not practical sense (article says I have not yet confirmed). php server long run, it will hang up, periodically restart the server. May be due to the long connection.
Due to the use of HTML5 technology, so