Bézier curve生成三次贝塞尔曲线的源代码, 函数ComputeBezier将以控制点cp产生的曲线点填入Point2D结构的数组
调用者必须分配足够的空间以供输出结果——<sizeof(Point2D) numberOfPoints>-Bzier curve cubic Bezier curve generated source code, function ComputeBezier will control point cp curve points to fill the array generated Point2D structure caller must allocate enough space for the output- <sizeof(Point2D) numberOfPoints>
调用者必须分配足够的空间以供输出结果——<sizeof(Point2D) numberOfPoints>-Bzier curve cubic Bezier curve generated source code, function ComputeBezier will control point cp curve points to fill the array generated Point2D structure caller must allocate enough space for the output- <sizeof(Point2D) numberOfPoints>
Bézier curve.c