Simple WiFi无线透传模块是一款高性能、高性价比的单面邮票孔式嵌入式WiFi模块产品。SimpleWiFi最大的特点是配置简单、启动速度快,最快启动速度小于1秒。Simple WiFi是基于Uart与Spi接口的符合WiFi无线网络标准的嵌入式模块,内置无线网络协议IEEE802.11协议栈以及TCP/IP协议栈,能够实现
用户嵌入式设备数据到无线网络之间的转换。通过Simple WiFi模块,传统的嵌入式设备也能轻松接入无线WiFi网络。
- SimpleWiFi is an embedded module based on the Uart serial,according with the WiFi wireless WLAN standards, It accords with IEEE802.11 protocol stack and TCP/IP protocol stack,and it enables the data conversion between the serial and the wireless network module. through the Uart-WiFi module, the traditional serial devices can easily access to the wireless network.
用户嵌入式设备数据到无线网络之间的转换。通过Simple WiFi模块,传统的嵌入式设备也能轻松接入无线WiFi网络。
- SimpleWiFi is an embedded module based on the Uart serial,according with the WiFi wireless WLAN standards, It accords with IEEE802.11 protocol stack and TCP/IP protocol stack,and it enables the data conversion between the serial and the wireless network module. through the Uart-WiFi module, the traditional serial devices can easily access to the wireless network.
SimpleWiFi uart WiFi.pdf