
  • 所属分类:
  • DSP编程
  • 资源属性:
  • 上传时间:
  • 2014-01-23
  • 文件大小:
  • 800kb
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  • 0次
  • 提 供 者:
  • 李**
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本文首先介绍了逆变电源的发展现状及趋势。文中分析了适合数字控制的基于DSP 处理器 TMS320F2812 和智能功率模块(IPM)的逆变器硬件;介绍了 SVPWM逆变技术的基本理论,详细推导出了五种具体的 SVPWM 实现模式,并通过比较说明不同实现模式的优缺点,得到本课题采用的一种优化模式,设计研究了基于 SVPWM控制方式的软件;介绍了 Q 格式的基本理论,在程序中变量间的运算采用 Q 格式,提高了系统数据运算的速度和精度,实现了在定点处理器上进行高性能的浮点运算;详细讨论了片上模数转换模块的转换误差来源及影响,研究了减小转换误差的方法,采用了软件方法来对转换结果进行实时校正,提高了模数转换的准确度。-In the first, the current situation and development trends of the inverters are presented in the paper. Following is the analyses of hardware of the inverter suiting for digital control based on digital signal processor TMS320F2812 and the intelligent power module(IPM) the basic theory of space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) is introduced, five specific SVPWM modes of implementation are educed detailedly, following by the comparison which shows the advantages and disadvantages of different patterns, an optimization mode is got which is used in this project, and the software is designed based on SVPWM control pattern the basic theory of Q format is presented, variable Q format is adopted during the procedure for the calculation which improves the operation of the system data speed and precision, achieving the targeted processor for high-performance floating-point operation in the fixed-point DSP the error sources and effects of the on-chip analog-to-digital conversion module(A




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