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该文设计了一种基于Matlab和模糊比例积分微分PID (proportional-integral-derivative)的汽车定速巡航控制系统,该巡航控制系统由模拟数字信号输入装置、定速巡航控制电子控制单元和节气门执行器等器件组成.为提高汽车巡航的精度和稳定性,提出了一种基于Matlab和模糊PID的自适应模糊控制方法,该控制算法在线优化模糊控制规则以及输出比例因子,既保留了传统模糊控制的优点,又有效改善了系统的控制品质,实车试验结果表明,试验车(上海大众帕萨特1.8 MT)在40、60、80、100 km/h定速巡航控制系统稳定时间分别在38、53、65、80 s,超调量分别是0.5、0.4、1.2、1.0 km/h.该系统稳定速度快,超调量小,系统工作稳定,可以较好地满足汽车巡航系统中控制需求.-This article is designed based on Matlab and fuzzy proportional integral derivative PID (proportional-integral-derivative) automotive cruise control system, the cruise control system consists of analog and digital signal input device, cruise control and throttle control electronic control unit actuators and other devices composed order to improve the accuracy and stability of the car cruising, is proposed based on Matlab and fuzzy adaptive fuzzy PID control method, the control algorithm on-line optimization of fuzzy control rules and output scaling factor, not only to retain the traditional fuzzy advantages of control, but also improve the quality control system, real vehicle test results show that the test vehicle (Shanghai Volkswagen Passat 1.8 MT) on 40,60,80,100 km/h cruise control system is stable at 38 hours, respectively, 53,65,80 s, overshoot were 0.5,0.4,1.2,1.0 km/h. stability of the system is fast, small overshoot, the system is stable, can better meet the needs of automotiv


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